FAQs Answered
Here are some of the basic Q&A section with the most common questions we get from researchers & clinicians at universities, healthcare systems, and research institutes.
What if I just want to keep doing my research and not disclose it?
If your research is funded by the federal government or other entities, you may already be committed to disclose any…
It’s my idea, why can’t I keep it for myself and commercialize it?
When you become employed by an institution, you will be subject to its policies. Most research institutions have an…
If I am at an institution, who owns the intellectual property I create?
More than likely, your institution has a formal intellectual property policy/process. This outlines who has rights to what IP. …
OK, I do have a couple of ideas/projects. So, what do I do with them?
If you are working at an institution, you will have to complete an invention disclosure form, also known as a…
Why should I care about this?
By commercializing your intellectual property, you can bring resources for your lab, department, and organization via licensing and sponsored research….
I don’t do the kind of research that leads to patents (or I don’t do research).
There is more to IP than patents and the type of protection may not be important for commercialization. Questionnaires,…